Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Portrait Compleated

So, after resolving the background, making more changes here and there, and just living with the thing for a while, waiting for something I had overlooked to show itself, I finally decided it was as finished as it was going to get.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Just a little cartoon of mine for today.
Rules are rules after all.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sketchup is addictive!  I've spent a lot of time creating a three dimensional model of the house I grew up in.  You don't know how many details you have forgotten till you try to do this.
I went on to do Sherlock Holmes flat.  I started with the PBS version and then modified it with a few features from the Connan Doyle stories left out of the TV set.  However, Doyle seems to have not had a consistent notion of the layout.  So I have had to make compromises.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Portrait progress

Those Sketchup designs of our remodel plans are being acted on, so my energies are being directed there rather than to art.
However, the next stage of progress on the portrait is available to show.   

Getting close to the finish.