Sunday, January 9, 2011

 Can't forget the guys, but I think they benefit from more character and less cuteness.  Makes them more fun to draw.
Chris Sanders is another excellent cute girl artist.  His work is a little more cartoonish than Dean Yeagle but just as charming.  He gets a good effect by putting the eyes at more of an angle.  Here's a little sketch of mine using the more angled eye line.  Check out Chris' work at
This sketch is inspired by the style of cartoonist Dean Yeagle's Mandy. He's the best at creating a cute, sexy girl cartoon without being vulgar.  Check out his work at

This sketch is drifting toward a cartoon rendition. Cartoonists exaggerate and minimize certain features to make the face more appealing. Manga makes huge eyes and emphasizes the color and reflections till they are like jewels.  The nose becomes tiny, even nonexistent in front view.
What is it that makes a face appealing?  Here's a profile sketch inspired by the structure of Gene Tierney's face, one of the most beautiful women ever in my opinion.
Home remodeling projects have kept me away from art for a while, and the figure drawing group came to an end.  So I've been reduced to doodling images in front of the TV or from magazines.  Still trying to master faces and give them character.

I find that I like sketching with  VERITHIN or COL-ERASE colored pencils when I'm working small.  When sketching large, a simple brown Crayola cayon suits me well.  Otherwise I use Nupastel.